More cositas!

Hello otra vez!

We are acercandonos to Hito 2 (two), and con that we traemos new cambios:

  • Now la main pantalla is a three opciones menu, with jugar, options y Quito (Ecuador)!

  • Now entrando to a lobby, you tendrás a random color :)

  • Now the jugadores have vidas, and ellos lose (and ganan) vidas con interactions with lasers and cosas

  • When a jugador loses a vida, they entrarán in a invulnerability estatus for un momento

  • Now you tal vez noticed... THERE HAY CHESTS! :DDD
    • Pero what do the cofres do?
    • They give you poderes, Billy! (WIP)
    • :0 WOW!
  • Once you ded, the cámara will seguir the acción giving a promedio position of the no ded players

That's todo por today!

Mirar you another tiempo!


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